Love, honour, respect.

Love, honour, respect.

Today I have been married to my best friend for four years!

When I think of our relationship, it’s of many happy dreams and stuff of fairy tales. Occasionally we do have our moments of horror stories and nightmares, how do we get through the tough times?… Here is a piece my heart and how it works, laid out for you.


It’s all a question of love… during a really hard time, this question came up – do we love each other? Easy answer … YES of course. When the answer is that simple and easy to reply, the rest just follows.

Respect & humility

There are times when we speak from anger, with out the thought of how hurtful it can be to the other person.

This is where lessons through Yoga have put such value into my life. “Ahimsa-nonviolence” in thought, word or deed and when there are time of forgetting this lesson, we swallow our pride and gain humility.

Forgiveness for each other and for ourselves, we let go of the anger and speak to each other with the respect and compassion we both deserve.


We love each enough to be true, even when truth hurts. We approach situations with a level of compassion and a heart full of love, to speak the truth to each other, even when we know that it may not be what the other may like to hear. This is probably one of the hardest to do, as our ego will only see the negative, when we move past ego we recognise the truth and use these opportunities to grow within ourselves and our relationship.


We can joke about a disagreement after it’s happened. Approaching situations with a lightness and humour, makes it easier to let go and move on.

Trust & Support

I count my lucky stars everyday for a partner who trusts and supports me in my journey! I receive encouragement and sound advise which ever path I choose. I receive the trust and support to follow my dreams. (For example traveling to Goa to do a 200hr Yoga teachers training 🙂 )


Every morning and every day Kimba is on the top of my list of things in life I am greatful for.

I constantly learn how to be a better human being from him and to have a person who enjoys Yoga and supports my purpose in this lifetime is something makes my heart beat. My dream is that we keep growing together and loving each other as much as we do today!

Namaste to this beautiful soul I get to share my life with. ?????

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