The Ultimate Pose: Downward Facing Dog

The Ultimate Pose: Downward Facing Dog

Downward facing dog or Ardho Muka Svanasana is the ultimate pose which assists with making space within our body and rejuvenates body & mind.

It is often referred to as a restorative pose, which sometimes feel ridiculous when we hold the pose for a period of time, however it does have some incredible benefits for body and mind. Here are a few of them with some tips of how to hold the pose.

Stretches hamstrings to calves to the arch of your foot

Our daily actions like walking, running, sitting and certain exercise routines can bring tension to the back of our legs. The stretch in downward facing dog  gives a chance to release this tension the back of the legs and even strengthen the arches in the feet.

As we hold this pose, we may feel tightness in the lower back and down the hamstrings not allowing your feet to ground firmly into the mat. Do not despair! Your feet raised is not going to do any harm, in fact more harm may be made if you force the pose. A suggestion to get extra length in the legs would be to place to block under the palms of your hands, allowing your feet to reach down a little further.

Tones abs & lengthens the spine

In downward facing dog when focus is brought to drawing your lower abs towards the spine, not only tones the core but also protects the lower back.  The front and back body is so connected that having a strong core is massive support for the back, especially when it comes to preventing injury.

Your back stretches and lengthens in this pose, by grounding your palms firmly into the mat and lifting through your hips and tail bone, imagining yourself in an inverted V position, you gain length and a beautiful stretch through your spine.

Brings blood flow to the brain and awareness to conscious breathing

Downward facing dog makes the perfect inversion for beginners. When your head is below your heart, blood can flow to the brain. This lifts energy levels and brings focus and calm into your being.

As this pose is a restorative posture it gives us an opportunity to reconnect with our breath.

Strengthens hands, wrists and shoulders

When hands are routed firmly into the mat, extending energy through the arms and spreading the shoulder blades builds strength, flexibility and stretches the chest!

Overall benefits to practising Ardho Muka Svanasana

This pose calms the brain, relieving mild depression and anxiety. Rejuvenates and energizers the body. Stretches shoulders, chest, hamstrings, calves, arches of the feet, and hands – as it stretches arms and legs.

Alleviates symptoms of menopause, headaches, insomnia, back pain and fatigue. Downward facing dog improves digestion. Therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, flat feet, sciatica and sinusitis.

This is one magical pose! Happy practicising!

Practice with caution or not at all if you have the following: Carpal tunnel syndrome, diarrhea, Pregnancy: Do not do this pose late-term. High blood pressure or headache: Support your head on a bolster or block, ears level between the arms.



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