My body is my temple, it houses my soul…

My body is my temple, it houses my soul…

My second week into training was a tough one. I caught a cold, probably from travelling, the dust and my body going into shock of having to work a little harder!

I had packed vitamin C, rehydrate, and energy sweets which I think is a good tip for travellers making there way to different countries just to give yourself a boost during tough times.

We always feel more vulnerable when we get sick, now to be in a different country, not sure whether seeing a doctor is a good idea or not, I decided to push through and do my best. I was almost in tears everyday, my body just wouldn’t work like it is supposed to. It was a constant reminder of practicing self care to learn how my body and mind works differently under different pressures.

At the end of the week we did our Shatkarma practice (cleansing processes of using a neti pot, where you pour salt water through your nostrils and Kunjali Kriya, the process of drinking salt water and then vomiting ~ Please only practice these if you know what you are doing ?). I was really dreading it with the way I was feeling, however I felt really great and energized after so I went down into town and bought some essential oils to steam and clear my sinuses, and I felt a whole lot better!

On my back I heard chanting, and a group of men were walking down the hill, with what I realized was a (dead) body covered with a sheet and flowers sprinkled over. I didn’t feel weird like I normally do when I even just see a hearse, India has such a beautiful way of letting go of death as part of life, where our bodies return to the 5 elements, if what we are made up of ~ and our souls ~ can our souls ever die?

I am grateful to live to the tale, to take in the experience and share with reverence a beautiful piece of life.

Pic after our first Shatkarma class, I practice Neti cleanse every week.

Funeral Pire on the banks of the Ganga

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